Seniors Festival runs from 3-16 March and provides an opportunity for seniors to develop new skills, meet people with similar interests and find out how they can get involved with other events throughout the year. Each year Wingecarribee Shire Council coordinates Seniors Festival locally with a program of events focusing on keeping seniors healthy, active and social. The program features a range of community and Council-led events. This year’s theme is ‘Time to Shine’. Seniors will be able to try something new, meet new people and have a great time at free and discounted events to be held across our Shire. From open days to social gatherings, movie screenings to concerts, information sessions to creative workshops – there’s something for everyone! Be sure to check out our Seniors Festival Expo on 14 March as well to find out all about the local services and supports available to our seniors.
Date: Mon 3 March 2025 - Sun 16 March 2025
Website: https://www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/seniors
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0499456182